Determining Coat Type
As doodles are a crossbreed between a Poodle X Golden Retriever or a lab, Bernese Mountain Dog, Old English Sheepdog, Saint Bernard and countless of other breeds, the types of coat found varies, so the first step on caring for your Doodles hair is to figure out which type he has – this will affect the type of shampoo and conditioner that will work best on his hair.
1. Flat Coat
This is very similar to the original Golden Retriever coat, somewhat coarse, and pretty flat.
2. Wavy Coat
An amalgamation of the flat hair, and the tightly curled Poodle hair – often described as wavy, or loosely curled.
3. Curly Coat
Easy to spot, this type of coat is the most similar to the purebred Poodle with springy curls that can be flattened out but spring back into place immediately.
Now that you know what type of coat you’re working with let’s get down to the tips!
1. Exercise Before You Start
If you’re going to bathe your pooch it’s usually a pretty lengthy process – so it’s a good idea to take him out for a long walk just before you get started.
That way, he should be happy to sit still and be fussed over!
This tactic works well for dogs that have a fear of the bath too.
2. Keep it to a Minimum
If you can get away with bathing once every month – then go for it!
You don’t want to deplete your dog’s natural coat oils if it’s not necessary.
However, it’s just important to keep his skin clean to keep it healthy, so if your dog likes to jump into a pond every week – then go ahead and bathe him every week to avoid bacterial infections.
3. Use a Bath Mat
I don’t know about you, but most dogs that I’ve bathed love to leap out of the bath like they’re trying to escape a fire.
This can result in some pretty slippery tumbles, but with a bath mat – your dog has something to grip onto.
4. Pat All The Way
With such a unique coat, the doodle can easily develop tangled fur – so you should never rub him over with a towel as you’re bound to knot the hair.
Instead, take the towel and firmly but gently pat him dry!
5. Tightening Tangles
Never bathe your pooch without grooming him through and removing all tangles in his coat.
By wetting the knots you’re going to make them tighten, and not only risk having to cut them out – but also risk hurting your poor Doodle.
6. Don’t Use Human Products
Human shampoo and conditioner have been created to work with the exact pH balance of human skin, but that doesn’t match the pH balance of a canine’s skin – this can cause irritation to your dog so steer clear.
Dog-friendly shampoos and conditioners can be found in most places, with some nice and natural options now available to the loving dog owner!
7. Rinse Well
Another cause of skin irritation is not rinsing the shampoo or conditioner well enough, leaving it to sit on the skin and cause flaking, or causing your dog to scratch to try and relieve the discomfort.
8. Hair Dryer Use
If you happen to live in a colder climate, you may be loathed to bathe your dog in the colder months – but fear not my dear dog owner – because you’re OK to use a hairdryer to dry off your dog.
You will have to set the hairdryer to low and be prepared for it to take a very long time to dry him off adequately.
1. Daily Grooming
Brushing through your dog’s hair every day shouldn’t be a chore – but a great time for bonding!
Sitting in front of the TV, giving him a quick brush over is a great way to show him affection and keep his coat healthy!
2. Get Rid of Tangles
If you’ve found some knots that you’re struggling to remove, you have a couple of options – you can use some baby powder to loosen up the knots or use a spray in (dog-friendly) conditioner.
3. Getting Down To The Skin
Many owners make the mistake of just brushing the top of the hair and forget about getting right down to the skin.
Using a line grooming technique using a slicker brush whereby you start at the bottom of the hair and gradually work your way up, section by section is a great way to ensure that you’ve groomed every spot.
4. Keep Equipment Clean
Bacterial infections are easy to contract for our dogs that get into all sorts, but one of the easiest ways for them to pick one up is through dirty grooming brushes.
After every grooming session, you should wash all of your grooming equipment, it doesn’t take long – and as well as keeping your dog healthier, will mean that your equipment lasts longer too!
5. Watch for Fleas, Ticks, and Mites
As you’re grooming your dog, you should keep an eye open for any anomalies, whether that’s a red patch of skin, a cut, or a flea infestation.
Most problems, if caught quickly are quick and painless to deal with.
But, if left untreated – most problems become a pain, and expensive!
1. How Often
Without frequent clipping, your adorable doodle will turn into a hot mess.
You should aim to clip your pooch or send them to the groomers every six to eight weeks for the best results.
2. Use pro-grade clippers
If you’re clipping at home, save yourself the headache and time of waiting for poor quality blades to cool while you’re clipping; and invest in pro-grade clippers.
3. Do a Final Go Over
Before you finish up, do a final go over with shearing scissors, and neaten up and areas that you’ve missed!
Final Thoughts
If you stick to a routine, keeping your doodles coat in tip-top condition shouldn’t take up much of your time.
And not only will your pooch feel great, but he’ll look great too!
As the owner of a Poodle cross, it’s vital that your dog is clipped regularly, as skipping this can cause severe discomfort to your poor puppy.
